We talked about Computer game. We played game everyday. right? Ha-ha, It is a very exaggeration sentence. But, you has played a computer game as a you were child. I played a computer game before writing a homework. I played a Star-Craft game. It is a range of computer game. We are connected intimately.(computer game). For example, We sometimes go to PC room and played a game.(every people maybe..) A woman or A man play with any other people. They met an internet and communicated a information and played a game and accomplished a target.
Like this, irrespective of sex we entertained a computer game. We have a different taste. but we interested a computer game. Although, people are different an Age, a Sex or any other things that, they liked a computer game. Computer game embody social, any other society part. We learned a C++ computer program. Even we made a game.(Tetris, a baseball game..)
But, a problem of society produces too. A game addiction. A computer game behaves a people's control. People feel a computer acting like a yourself. At that point, people and computer interacted each other. Their's relation continues infinitily. A problem generates an addiction. (by an illness) A vast damage will bring about a large field.
I think that a computer game is a supremacy. That is a goodness or badness, a computer game has a important position. We learned a computer game. A computer game is a momentous presence. It affects a positive or negative effect. It is a nature. That is a cool and hot. It is a media as a cool and hot existence.
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