2008년 5월 24일 토요일

Homework 10

We talked about a public&privacy. The public and privacy is not very important subject of Korea. I think so. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."(say, Benjamin Franklin) In some day, we heard about spy. They surveillance a data or information about a country secret confidence, a company privacy of joinner. A member of Hanaro Telecom is a terrorism about public and privacy flowing out a information.

Surveillance model : is built upon visual metaphors and derives from historical experiences of secret police surveillance. Versus, Capture model : is built upon linguistic metaphors and takes as its prototype the deliberate reorganization of industrial work activities to allow computers to track them in real time - Agre, p. 740 And The privacy definition is a quality or state of being apart from company or observation, freedom from unauthorized intrusion. There are two model. I don't understand this two definition well. But this two means are very difficult to translate.

Then, what do you think about between public and privacy? There are connections intimately. But, a wall of space has a present. They are an inefficiency that makes it harder for these technologies to be misused. Life where less is monitored is a life more private and life where less can be searched is also a life more private. ( quotation)

In this part, a government is harder to control public and privacy. A rapid development of technology and industrial raises a individual information.(about public and privacy connection. use for cookies or another method) We need to understand not just the machines but also the people mediated by these technologies. Technologies and architectures are important influences on the production and change of private and public space.(quotation) We knowledge about public and privacy and copy with them.

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