We talked about a public&privacy. The public and privacy is not very important subject of Korea. I think so. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."(say, Benjamin Franklin) In some day, we heard about spy. They surveillance a data or information about a country secret confidence, a company privacy of joinner. A member of Hanaro Telecom is a terrorism about public and privacy flowing out a information.
Surveillance model : is built upon visual metaphors and derives from historical experiences of secret police surveillance. Versus, Capture model : is built upon linguistic metaphors and takes as its prototype the deliberate reorganization of industrial work activities to allow computers to track them in real time - Agre, p. 740 And The privacy definition is a quality or state of being apart from company or observation, freedom from unauthorized intrusion. There are two model. I don't understand this two definition well. But this two means are very difficult to translate.
Then, what do you think about between public and privacy? There are connections intimately. But, a wall of space has a present. They are an inefficiency that makes it harder for these technologies to be misused. Life where less is monitored is a life more private and life where less can be searched is also a life more private. ( quotation)
In this part, a government is harder to control public and privacy. A rapid development of technology and industrial raises a individual information.(about public and privacy connection. use for cookies or another method) We need to understand not just the machines but also the people mediated by these technologies. Technologies and architectures are important influences on the production and change of private and public space.(quotation) We knowledge about public and privacy and copy with them.
2008년 5월 24일 토요일
2008년 5월 16일 금요일
Homework 9
We talked about human. Human is a main body anywhere. A computer is operated by human. Human and Computer fused together. In the future, a fusion of human and computer is a large extension. For example, that is a cyborg. A cyborg is an abstract existence. It is like a robot.
The robot is a kind of a countermeasure human. However, a cyborg is different means compare with robot. Simplicity, it alternates a human perfectly. The circumstances are changing everyday, a second of time. It is changing with Human and Computer too. A long period, my body or myself will be change with a computer.
It means that a fusion is not a simple generation. It embodies many problems(such as social, political, philosophical, economical, ethical problem). It generates many unsolved problem. In fact, the development of cyborg gives a positive point but also gives a negative point.
A cyborg gives more negative point of ethical problem. It made a human-copy. In the process of input reproduction, it must be provoked error. If effect is good or bad, the damage will be hurted human. A co-exist relation between a human and computer are existence of interaction.
( The techniques and technologies of health and illness, statistics, the census, epidemiology and
science. Cyborg, Cyberhetic, Organism : hybird mechine and organism, creature of social reali
ty as well as a creature of fiction.)
The robot is a kind of a countermeasure human. However, a cyborg is different means compare with robot. Simplicity, it alternates a human perfectly. The circumstances are changing everyday, a second of time. It is changing with Human and Computer too. A long period, my body or myself will be change with a computer.
It means that a fusion is not a simple generation. It embodies many problems(such as social, political, philosophical, economical, ethical problem). It generates many unsolved problem. In fact, the development of cyborg gives a positive point but also gives a negative point.
A cyborg gives more negative point of ethical problem. It made a human-copy. In the process of input reproduction, it must be provoked error. If effect is good or bad, the damage will be hurted human. A co-exist relation between a human and computer are existence of interaction.
( The techniques and technologies of health and illness, statistics, the census, epidemiology and
science. Cyborg, Cyberhetic, Organism : hybird mechine and organism, creature of social reali
ty as well as a creature of fiction.)
2008년 5월 9일 금요일
Homework 8
We talked about Computer game. We played game everyday. right? Ha-ha, It is a very exaggeration sentence. But, you has played a computer game as a you were child. I played a computer game before writing a homework. I played a Star-Craft game. It is a range of computer game. We are connected intimately.(computer game). For example, We sometimes go to PC room and played a game.(every people maybe..) A woman or A man play with any other people. They met an internet and communicated a information and played a game and accomplished a target.
Like this, irrespective of sex we entertained a computer game. We have a different taste. but we interested a computer game. Although, people are different an Age, a Sex or any other things that, they liked a computer game. Computer game embody social, any other society part. We learned a C++ computer program. Even we made a game.(Tetris, a baseball game..)
But, a problem of society produces too. A game addiction. A computer game behaves a people's control. People feel a computer acting like a yourself. At that point, people and computer interacted each other. Their's relation continues infinitily. A problem generates an addiction. (by an illness) A vast damage will bring about a large field.
I think that a computer game is a supremacy. That is a goodness or badness, a computer game has a important position. We learned a computer game. A computer game is a momentous presence. It affects a positive or negative effect. It is a nature. That is a cool and hot. It is a media as a cool and hot existence.
Like this, irrespective of sex we entertained a computer game. We have a different taste. but we interested a computer game. Although, people are different an Age, a Sex or any other things that, they liked a computer game. Computer game embody social, any other society part. We learned a C++ computer program. Even we made a game.(Tetris, a baseball game..)
But, a problem of society produces too. A game addiction. A computer game behaves a people's control. People feel a computer acting like a yourself. At that point, people and computer interacted each other. Their's relation continues infinitily. A problem generates an addiction. (by an illness) A vast damage will bring about a large field.
I think that a computer game is a supremacy. That is a goodness or badness, a computer game has a important position. We learned a computer game. A computer game is a momentous presence. It affects a positive or negative effect. It is a nature. That is a cool and hot. It is a media as a cool and hot existence.
2008년 5월 2일 금요일
Homework 7
We talked about Human-Computer-Interaction last time. Today, we thought and learned about Computer-Aid. Last week time and this week time class, I think that this conclude. The conclude is that which the computer has a large influence. And we recall this sentence. " Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships. " Computer includes technologies. (- I think) So, The topic of this time is a Computer-Aid. Computer-Aid is a large extent and vague. " Vauge " isn't so correct word.(nothing definite can be said on it.)
The Computer-aid is related this part. I write a content in blogger and put on record. This act belongs to Computer-aid. Computer-aid definition simplicity is focus on aid. But, surplus to Computer definition this definition is a vast. H-C-I and Computer Aid are interaction. Human acted or ordered to computer, computer received order and executed this an instruction.
We showed a image. That reflection(3 Dimensional, a drawing of city construct, a school of construct) goes with Computer-Aid. Computer helps a human order and practices and
illuminates our eyes(through monitor).
Anyway, Computer-Aid is a indjspensable present. I think that a computer is a fool.(everyone mention this sentence.) Human and computer each other interacted things. Between this two part occured a communication. Again, a communication makes a language.( a special present - th at present is a connected two.) That circulation repeated endly. Consequently, Computer-Aid existence is very important to related human.
The Computer-aid is related this part. I write a content in blogger and put on record. This act belongs to Computer-aid. Computer-aid definition simplicity is focus on aid. But, surplus to Computer definition this definition is a vast. H-C-I and Computer Aid are interaction. Human acted or ordered to computer, computer received order and executed this an instruction.
We showed a image. That reflection(3 Dimensional, a drawing of city construct, a school of construct) goes with Computer-Aid. Computer helps a human order and practices and
illuminates our eyes(through monitor).
Anyway, Computer-Aid is a indjspensable present. I think that a computer is a fool.(everyone mention this sentence.) Human and computer each other interacted things. Between this two part occured a communication. Again, a communication makes a language.( a special present - th at present is a connected two.) That circulation repeated endly. Consequently, Computer-Aid existence is very important to related human.
2008년 4월 25일 금요일
Homework 6
We talked about human-computer interaction. The last time, we tested mid-term exam. I did not learn about artificial intelligence. I was amazed artificial intelligence. The technology was so exciting. The machine or computer intelligence is acted as if a people.(think, act, move, ect...) Anyway, Let's start about human-computer interaction. This part is key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction. People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.
In this case, many problem are represented. For example, ethics problem, aesthetics &teleology(목적론?). Would we treat technologies as people or people as techlogies? I think that an artificial intelligence or a human-computer interaction uses for human.(It means that it's effect has a large range) Today, human and computer are connected tightly. I show the picture or profess show us to computer-interaction. In this presentation is so complicated but it's so marvelous.
Dr. yoon mentioned a professor who is a 정기철 professor. I don't know him well. But, I watched a project-paper.(The paper content is so complex and does not understand means.) I supposed means that are connected H.C.I. It's right? 정기철 professor is very smart and intelligent(I guess). Anyway I know about a H.C.I little.
In this society, human and computer interact each other. And in the interaction is very close. Such like that, the close is very dangerous. It's a paradox situation. However, that's right. The computer likes a human and attends a human and seriously controls anymore things. That is awesome. But If Human-Computer-Interaction has a good relation, it will be a revolution of science. This part is key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction. The whole part is right load because, it's very unbalance.
In this case, many problem are represented. For example, ethics problem, aesthetics &teleology(목적론?). Would we treat technologies as people or people as techlogies? I think that an artificial intelligence or a human-computer interaction uses for human.(It means that it's effect has a large range) Today, human and computer are connected tightly. I show the picture or profess show us to computer-interaction. In this presentation is so complicated but it's so marvelous.
Dr. yoon mentioned a professor who is a 정기철 professor. I don't know him well. But, I watched a project-paper.(The paper content is so complex and does not understand means.) I supposed means that are connected H.C.I. It's right? 정기철 professor is very smart and intelligent(I guess). Anyway I know about a H.C.I little.
In this society, human and computer interact each other. And in the interaction is very close. Such like that, the close is very dangerous. It's a paradox situation. However, that's right. The computer likes a human and attends a human and seriously controls anymore things. That is awesome. But If Human-Computer-Interaction has a good relation, it will be a revolution of science. This part is key point that has implications for the aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of human-computer interaction. The whole part is right load because, it's very unbalance.
2008년 4월 11일 금요일
Homework 5
We talk about artificial intelligence. Last class we learned social networks. Today, we will talk about this topic artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence is the founding document. Alan Turing is a man who is founder of computer science, artificial intelligence. He is an originator. And it is a short story of artificial intelligence in software. For example, That is GPS planning. Turing's imitation game - It is object in the game to try and cause to make the wrong identification.
But I point out this part(when a machine takes the part of in this game? and when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman) What do you think about? A machine takes the part of in this game? Last time, I refer that a machine controls in this world of people. That is terrible.
The artificial intelligence has long researching areas.(Knowledge Representation, Programming Languages, Natural Language Understanding, Speech Understanding, etc..) and the problem is the frame problem that our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation.
Last class we saw a A.I movie provision. This images is so interesting and implies so many
things. If this situation will be originated in this movie images, our society(people world or in
this universal) will be ruined. Actually, the development of artificial intelligence is very important effect in peple society. and this development is positive effect and negative effect too. The end we, people use this artificial intelligence well. Do not control this changes, the wavelength range will have damage by us. The artificial intelligence is very important as if a sweety candy - candy has a bitter taste and a sweet taste.
But I point out this part(when a machine takes the part of in this game? and when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman) What do you think about? A machine takes the part of in this game? Last time, I refer that a machine controls in this world of people. That is terrible.
The artificial intelligence has long researching areas.(Knowledge Representation, Programming Languages, Natural Language Understanding, Speech Understanding, etc..) and the problem is the frame problem that our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation.
Last class we saw a A.I movie provision. This images is so interesting and implies so many
things. If this situation will be originated in this movie images, our society(people world or in
this universal) will be ruined. Actually, the development of artificial intelligence is very important effect in peple society. and this development is positive effect and negative effect too. The end we, people use this artificial intelligence well. Do not control this changes, the wavelength range will have damage by us. The artificial intelligence is very important as if a sweety candy - candy has a bitter taste and a sweet taste.
2008년 4월 4일 금요일
Homework 4
We talking about social networks in this class. Social network affects our life. For example, I and someone use the cite. That is cyworld. This cyworld networks connect people that meet or relate another people. Our class (Soonsill unversity Global Media) entry cyworld club(club.cyworld.com/globalmedia08) before meet other classmate. At that time entrance into university we know indirectly. This situation is mention that is a social network . Everyday we can use or can't use social networks.
We learn social networks. First one, social networks as science. The social networks is interdisciplinary and centrality. Social networks is a bridge. That means social capital.
Social networks play an important part. (connecting or dividing people, society etc) Bowling alone : New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people. When new media technologies facilitate new social networks . They simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships. Many people are many so we can't count people. At middle of many people isn't being means. Only some people(like this, all the same propensity and similar interesting) communicate and make a their's networks. In this point the social network as if spider.
The second is that social networks as technology. The technology means that networks are collaborative filtering and /or recommender systems. Fixing the networks. And the other part is Social networks as popular culture - their identity and connect in personly meanningful ways. The last part is Social networks as art. The social networks penetrate any part in this our
society. The social networks are the same as people's body.
The social networks is a function not people. but in this time, remains relative importance. The power does not calculate. It's size is so amazing and does not grab. I think that this chapter is so fuuny and marvelous. At the amazing things that networks connect each other and meet people (doesn't know but later will know people). In this point(a social networks), it is a very small and contacts easily.,simplicity. Anyway in this week I learned very well. In this society, so many people are in now and doesn't meet or know but, In the social networks we joint each other. we are the one!
We learn social networks. First one, social networks as science. The social networks is interdisciplinary and centrality. Social networks is a bridge. That means social capital.
Social networks play an important part. (connecting or dividing people, society etc) Bowling alone : New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people. When new media technologies facilitate new social networks . They simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships. Many people are many so we can't count people. At middle of many people isn't being means. Only some people(like this, all the same propensity and similar interesting) communicate and make a their's networks. In this point the social network as if spider.
The second is that social networks as technology. The technology means that networks are collaborative filtering and /or recommender systems. Fixing the networks. And the other part is Social networks as popular culture - their identity and connect in personly meanningful ways. The last part is Social networks as art. The social networks penetrate any part in this our
society. The social networks are the same as people's body.
The social networks is a function not people. but in this time, remains relative importance. The power does not calculate. It's size is so amazing and does not grab. I think that this chapter is so fuuny and marvelous. At the amazing things that networks connect each other and meet people (doesn't know but later will know people). In this point(a social networks), it is a very small and contacts easily.,simplicity. Anyway in this week I learned very well. In this society, so many people are in now and doesn't meet or know but, In the social networks we joint each other. we are the one!
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