2008년 3월 14일 금요일

Homework 1

This week edeucates two topics. one topic is Welcome to present, anoter topic is We may think. First of Welcome to present implies two key points. One is when digital media technology connect or separate people, they become medaia and technologies embody social, cultural, economic and philosphical ideas and relationships. And "as we may think" is that a speed changes every day so society also too. but we(people) do not follow a change society.

Consequently this paragrapht indicates a method. I think that we are living with so many kind of things. But media and technology are the most important our society. If media and technology are downing or erroing, this world will not work anymore. I'm a situation too. Not working this stystem regard a worthless object.. This is funny condition? A machine controls tihs society, this world and this universe. The humankind made this system however this situation direct pposition paradoxical.

The conclusion is that people prepare this situation. We do not accompany this speed, changed the state of things. so we accept this situation and make a plan this situation. If we do not prepare this circumstances, we will be see a movie situation. I' don't want to be this situation. We will educate media&technology good well. We make this situation and we overcome.

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