2008년 3월 29일 토요일

Homework 3

We talking about The World-Wide-Web. Frankly, We consider receiving naturaly. Internet generates to anyone (people, society, world - a wide scope). This sentense means that The World -Wide-Web controls to us. It's so amazing. If Internet doesn't work, maybe we don't anything. And serious speacking, this world paralysising. Anyway we educate World-Wide-Web.

The World-Wide-Web that is a collaboratively authored hypertext. The World-Wide-Web was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a com-mon project. And when wiewing some document, the reader can request a seacrh, by typing in plain text to send to the server, rather than following a link, so on. This point is a word "Collaboratively" that emphasizes to connect each other. In substance our system link.

Next to the core is that it is a standard. There is a very extendable system for introducing new formats for mul-timedia data. This is done repeatedely, and by a sequence of se-lections and searches one can find anything that is "out there." Some important things to note are: ( I index text.) It is a sample which indicates a culture, society, science, economy stream.so on... and The World-Wide-Web has a number of all kind, the wavelength has a large damage too. We communicate a ramdom people, joint or debate or sympathize opinion. In this progress we conclude this topic which is a standard(from minimal to maximal section)

In this point, we have a problem. What is this? you know what do you think? How about "if World-Wide-Web don't operate system" do you think? In the present, World-Wide-Web penetrate on all sides. Sometimes I think that we bound this area. Because we will think about it. People' intelligence declines rather than this system(World-Wide-Web ). People remain an empty tin can. In this point, nothing problem however a long wiewpoint. There is a dangerous accident. Like exist as to be abstracted. So we read this text and substitute People position.

2008년 3월 21일 금요일

Homework 2

This class educated hypertext. Hypertext has large range. If you do on Internet or someting use computer, you use Hypertext. And we also educated " augmenting human intellect " written by Eelbart. He achives this thinges well and his meritorious results brilliant too. I researched him. I'm amazing his achivement. He made many help to hypertext. But I sincerily amazed that he made mouse. Anyway Let's start with Engelbart's an essasy. (Friday we learned his text.)

(This part is summation and I think....)
He said " By "augmenting human intellect" we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problem. "(Written by Introduce - General) he refers that Industrail Revoluton and Mechanization augment Man's population and gross product are at a considerable rate. Augmenting Man's intellect, in the sense such as framework or process of developing things that can be improved Man's intellect. so He invent things. Yesterday we class saw an image by dr yoon. That picture so bad but his picture shows a future presetation of beginning( the outset? or origin right?) .

Not just well but I genuiness see well. I think that if we don't follow Man's intellect in computer or anythings, we will be self-destruction. This society is radical changed so we don't defence this change which means to augment the human intellect. we consider the whole system of a human and as a proper field of search for practical possibilities. written by Engelbart this paragraph think deeply this part of society, create sensation.

Consequently we consider that this problem. By "augmenting human intellect" that is Man's intellect & something like technology coexist this flowing and we receive this a flow. That is an open plea who ultimately motivate etc.. In the long run, the power of the human intellect is relly much the more important of coexisting.

2008년 3월 14일 금요일

Homework 1

This week edeucates two topics. one topic is Welcome to present, anoter topic is We may think. First of Welcome to present implies two key points. One is when digital media technology connect or separate people, they become medaia and technologies embody social, cultural, economic and philosphical ideas and relationships. And "as we may think" is that a speed changes every day so society also too. but we(people) do not follow a change society.

Consequently this paragrapht indicates a method. I think that we are living with so many kind of things. But media and technology are the most important our society. If media and technology are downing or erroing, this world will not work anymore. I'm a situation too. Not working this stystem regard a worthless object.. This is funny condition? A machine controls tihs society, this world and this universe. The humankind made this system however this situation direct pposition paradoxical.

The conclusion is that people prepare this situation. We do not accompany this speed, changed the state of things. so we accept this situation and make a plan this situation. If we do not prepare this circumstances, we will be see a movie situation. I' don't want to be this situation. We will educate media&technology good well. We make this situation and we overcome.